What to Wear

What to Wear
Category: New Paintball Player's Guide
Posted: Mar 12, 2011 02:54:00
Views: 228806
Comments: 1 [Read/Post]
Synopsis: "What should I wear the first time I play paintball?", is a question we are often asked. In short, wearing gloves, proper footwear and layers are the primary keys when you play paintball.

What to Wear

You are planning your first paintball outing.  You should realize that making the right choices about what to wear when you play paintball the first time can make the difference between a great first experience and a miserable one.  The three key elements to consider are shoes, gloves, and layers.

It is important to keep the activity in mind.  Depending on the paintball field you play, you may be running around in the woods, grassy fields and other outdoor areas.  While many paintball fields have trails, the ground is still often rough and uneven.  Some areas may be muddy.  There may even be large puddles.


You should therefore wear sturdy outdoor shoes when you play paintball.  Lots of people wear hiking boots, football or soccer shoes.  They should be shoes that you do not mind getting wet or dirty. 

There are certain types of shoes you should avoid when you play paintball.  For your safety and comfort you should not wear:

  • High Heels

  • Sandals, or open toed shoes

Since the shoes you play paintball in may get very dirty, you should consider bringing an extra pair of shoes for the ride home.


Getting hit on a bare hand with a paintball is very painful.  With gloves, it is not a big deal.  There are gloves designed especially for paintball, but they are not necessary.  Any inexpensive glove is likely to work.  People often wear golf gloves, football gloves, batting gloves, and light work gloves.  The important thing is to cover the bare skin on your hands.


The clothing you wear while playing paintball serves two main purposes.  One purpose is to help you regulate your body temperature.  The other purpose is to provide padding.

Most paintball fields play in rain, snow, or shine.  It is therefore necessary to be prepared for whatever weather you may face.  This includes wearing layers.  You will often get hot during the games and cold during the breaks.  It is important to be able to easily slip in and out of layers.

Being struck by a paintball can sting.  This is more noticeable when you first start to play.  This possibility enhances the game.  If you are like me, you don't want it to hurt too much.  I have found that if I wear loose layers, it hurts very little, if at all, when I get hit.  And I get hit a lot!

You should dress so that you have no exposed skin when you play paintball.  This means you should avoid wearing shorts.

Many outdoor paintball fields are several acres of woods and brush.  You may find yourself crawling through the mud and brush.  Chances are good that you are going to get dirty.  Choose clothing with this in mind.

Clothes for the Ride Home

Finally, I would suggest that you bring an extra set of clothing and shoes for the ride home.  This way you won't hurt those nice leather seats.  If you are wet, the ride home is likely to be more comfortable in dry clothing.

It is also a good idea to bring garbage bags to put the clothes you wore while playing paintball.  


Wear sturdy outdoor shoes.

  • Hiking boots or shoes
  • Football cleats
  • Baseball cleats
  • Soccer cleats
  • Other sturdy shoes

Avoid sandals and open toed shoes

Wear Gloves

  • Golf gloves
  • Football gloves
  • Batting gloves
  • Light work gloves

Wear Layers

Bring clothes for the ride home

A lot of new players find these suggestions to be valuable.  We hope they help you too!

Please click here to email us with your questions and comments.  Your feedback helps determine what we write about, and how we write it.

Comments on What to Wear

Seston Apr 25, 2011 19:13:24
Wow! That's a really neat answer!

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